Monday, 13 July 2015

NEWS ALERT -- BIAFRA IS NOT A DREAM!!! Asari Dokubo gives insight about the meaning of Biafra

This morning the great son of Ijaw, Mujahid Dokubo Asari Used his Facebook page to support The restoration of Biafra. And to Shed more light on the meaning of Biafra.
He stated: “BIAFRA IS NOT A DREAM!!! Biafra which is corrupted from the KALABARI(Ijaw) word biafulo meaning undone(not well cooked) soup….The Ijaws of Kula named the estuary of Santa Barbara River BIAFULO because of the constant turbulence of the spot…In that context it means unruly or dangerous sea.The Spanish and Portuguese corrupted Biafulo to Biafra and first named the estuary Biafra later THE WHOLE COASTLINE STRETCHING FROM THE CAMEROON TO LAGOS WAS CHRISTEN THE BRIGHT OF BIAFRA.After the genocidal war the name Bright of Biafra was vindictively changed to Bright of Benin.
Therefore Biafra belong to all the people of the former independent state of Biafra and now the people of defunct BENIN REPUBLIC,WHICH IS TODAY EDO AND DELTA STATE.The march 28th voting clearly showed where we belong.”
This is a new meaning to ” Biafra”, and an intellectual challenge to many scholars that have be researching the etymological meaning of “Biafra”. This will also enlighten those that think that the Ijaw people do not support or believe in Biafra.